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Staff Support Resources

Workshop: Managing conflict in the workplace & having difficult conversations - Developing effective conflict resolution skill sets are an essential component of a building a sustainable business model. Unresolved conflict often results in loss of productivity, the stifling of creativity, and the creation of barriers to cooperation and collaboration. Perhaps most importantly for leaders, good conflict resolution ability equals good employee retention. Leaders who don’t deal with conflict will eventually watch their good talent walk out the door in search of a healthier and safer work environment. If you would like to improve your skillset around having difficult conversations and managing conflict in the workplace (with staff or customers) you may find listening to this wellbeing presentation helpful.

Watch the video on Managing Conflict in The Workplace.

Workshop: Supporting staff & colleagues with psychological first aid – Psychological first aid (PFA for short) is very much like medical first aid. It’s how you can help someone psychologically in their immediate time of need. Just like normal first aid, once you have supported someone using PFA, they might be OK, or PFA might be the “band aid” that the person needs until they can get additional help from a trained medical or allied health professional. In this presentation, I will be teaching you some practical skills which can help you to support colleagues and friends who are not “OK”.

Watch the Supporting Staff & Colleagues with Psychological First Aid.

Managing difficult conversations with customers - Created for the hospitality industry by TAA Vic and supported by WorkSafe VIC WorkWell around Managing difficult conversations with customers.

Watch the video.